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![]() Zug Izland
![]() Mike-P: Music Writer & Producer, as well as one of the Band Vocalists and Guitarist. This ninja iz like a genius. Psychopathic fuckin discovered him and he hooked dem' up phat. At first he was there to help engineer and design ICP's studio, "The Lotus Pod," Then one day he showed dem' hiz mad skillz! Psychopathic put his trax to the test and the juggalos agreed, they waz devastaing! He wrote and produced songs on "Tales From The Lotus Pod," recorded all of "Ryden Dirtay," and most recently he wrote over half of Blaze's "1 Less G In Da Hood." He has came a long way in a short period of time. He and J decided the juggalo family was mostly rap, and they needed some variety, so they decided to hook up some juggalo rock up in dis' bitch! Mike P wrote all of the Zug Izland album, he and J produced it together, and they were missing one piece of the puzzle. SYN!
Syn: Music Producer as well as Band Lead Vocalist & Guitarist A few songs into the Juggalo Rock beginning.. there waz no lead singer. Whut the fuck!? Whut's Pearl Jam witout Eddie Vedder? Nirvana witout Kurt Kobain? Dat whack ass band witout that homo lookin rock dude? They needed Zug Izland'z leader. Thatz where Syn came in! The Dark Carnival bringz Syn before the two dons of juggalo rock, and the immdeitely knew this skitzofrantic, crazy ass, pill poppin, violent muthafucko waz the one! Depite being offered MTV stardon with two other deals Syn turned them down to become... PSYCHOPATHIC! Syn iz more than the voice behind Zug Izland... Syn iz the breath that keepz Zug alive! This guy will shock the hell outta your ass. Don't ever underestimate him! Otherwise he will flip your wig wit his shit. This crazy ass ninja iz goin places whether you like it or not!
If we knew his name... we'd hafta be killed! but he playz Bass This ninja iz quiet.... a lil' too quiet. He believes that all we need to know iz whut his bass tellz us. I've heard that no fuckin body has seen this dawg witout a disguise. I mean he be hidin himself on and off stage. He claims he doesn't let peepz no who he iz cuz he wantz to be judged by his music and only his music.... BUT! Itz purely speculation that he's wanted as fuck! Fuckin' you name it they want this ninja! Biker gangz, pimpz, ho'z, pigz, bounty hunterz, assassins, hell more peepz want him than Bin Laden! But they can't catch this ninja. Well... we're assuming itz a ninja. Could be a ninjette? Could be both? Hell it could be a different person at every show! But we givez no fucks. He's got madd talent and datz all dat matterz! Propz to the "Bass Player" who have you are you talented myterious ass muthafucko!
Dan The Meat Man on Keyboard and Sample Playing This dudez kool az hell. From whut I heard he'z bout the friendlest guy you'll meet yo! He's ya average guy, wife, two kids, and he worked az a small town butcher. The customers fuckin loved his happy ass! He iz respected and loved, hell he playz keyboard for sum church group shit! But he haz a secret....... back in da day in Denver he waz still a butcher. And still loved and all, only thing waz he got his ass locked up in jail! So whut? He waz a lil' bit of a serial killer? 12 dead ninja's!? Iz that really dat bad? So he lost hiz mind for a couple years, he's still a great guy! So whut if he dragged peepz from barz to his house, chopped em' up, and served em' to his customers? Itz all behind him now. He'z no threat to society, he's cured and rehabilitated! But ya know... itz all kool now, but just don't let this get out too far y'all. After all it iz speculation, accusation.... heresay?
"Pig Boy" Ash Willbertson is the Drummer Well..... we know he'z prolly..... about between 14 and 25? And it haz been speculated that he has a history of being... eh.... retarded. And he has no vocal cords, but FUCK IT, he drums, who needs to talk? He wearz a pigskin mask... and if you try to touch that shit.... SHIIIT!... you'z in for a beat down like whut! Some rednecks told J that when this dawg was little he banged on shit since he waz born. And one day he discovered whut a drum set waz. Ah shit, it waz on! He's still retarded but give em' a set of drumz and sumtin to beat em' wit and he's a fuckin prodigy! Itz more speculation but some hicks said once... he banged on his drums so long he croke his arms. So he he used his elbows and that shit broke too! So he hadta use his own face cuz he just couldnt stop! And it broke all dis shit in his face and when it healed he looked like Frankenstein slapped wit ugly! Some say he sewed on da mask to hide his face forever! He's fuckin sycho witout hiz drumz, but fuck it, he'z the shit on drums so they dont care. He sitz in the back of the bus alone and beats his drums and everyone iz happy.
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